Aspen Creek North
Hwy 370 and 186th St, Omaha, NE 68136
School District: Gretna
Agent: Ben Proctor
Agent: 402-965-1848
Aspen Creek is located in the Gretna Public Schools district. Overall, Gretna Public Schools is in the top 5% of public schools in Nebraska, making your child’s education top priority.
It’s rated #22 out of 242 for Best School Districts in NE, and #49 Districts with the Best Teachers in NE. Additionally, it’s rated #11 for Best School Districts for Athletes in Nebraska.
We love this neighborhood because it’s near the ND's WP-4 dam site and the 150 acre Greta Crossing Park scheduled to open in 2023. Greta Crossing will feature ballfields, amphitheater, and a new recreation and aquatic center.